Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Oh yeah... I have a blog.

Is it really February?

Shane and I will have been married for 100 days in less than a week and this Friday is Valentine’s Day. I thought that was very interesting and kind of cool. Shane has  been under the weather for the past little bit and my internship has been kicking my butt. Needless to say, my blog to update everyone has slacked for 3 whole months. I'll be back soon I promise. RIght now, it is bedtime- or in my household- time to read HP # 7!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The BIG Update!!!

So this is going to be a long update- I have not posted since before the wedding and quite frankly, I forgot to!
We have so many thing going on since the wedding festivities started when my family came in. My family drove in on Wednesday bringing Mom, Dad, my dad’s mom (Gram), Melissa, Joseph, Brook and my bestie Megan. Megan and I were able to do a night of catching up and it was really good to spend some time with her that is not over the phone or Skype!
Thursday of the wedding week, we had a girl’s day at the nail place. Mom, Melissa, Brook and Gram got their nails done while Megan and I got our toes done. Megan’s hubby, Trent, made it in from Arizona and Shane’s brother and sister-in-law made it in from Guam. Thursday night meant catfish night with Meme’s side of the family. It is a family tradition to get together and eat at 155 when my family comes into town. All you can eat catfish- heck yes! Although I will say, I miss the old hushpuppies.
Friday brought a sense of craziness as most of the Houston crowd started showing up and we lost a groomsman 15 minutes before we were leaving for the rehearsal (he got sick). The weather held up great for the rehearsal and I think we all did an amazing job getting in and getting things run according to the plan! We all piled into our cars and headed over to Luigi’s-the local Italian place to gorge ourselves on pizza. It was freaking amazing! Pizza is one of our favorite meals and it just seemed right to have it as our rehearsal dinner. Megan, Melissa and I had a girls’ night at the hotel and just sitting around talking to my two “big” sisters made me relax.
Saturday- the day! I keep relieving it over and over again in my head. It literally is one of the best days of my life. Everyone kept asking if I was okay. I was calm. When I would think how I would act on my wedding, calm was never in my vocabulary. I was always afraid I would be freaking out. The wedding day was a breeze to me. Hair and makeup started at 7 am which meant Melissa was up at 6:30 am eating breakfast. I have been told there will be pay backs when she gets married. Mom, Melissa and Megan all got their hair done by 9 am (Sydney was an amazing lady1). Taylor and Jenn, our photographers, got to the room around 9 and we started my hair and makeup then. Being able to laugh and cut up was a huge stress reliever! Molly and Amanda came about 10 and I started getting into my dress around 11:15am. We left the hotel and headed to the gardens. When Melissa pulled through the gates, I could see Shane down the road. I got a little nervous then but he was all cleaned up and in his dress blues. Yummy! Taylor went and got Shane all hidden while I got resituated and ready to meet him. I was worried that I would fall or trip over something on the way to see him. The ground was muddy and the fog had finally lifted! I walked down a set of stairs and I could see his back. At that point I was doing fine but then I thought, “Oh crap, I can’t cry because I will ruin my makeup and I don’t know where the extra is”.
Shane turned around and was speechless for about 3 seconds. We both laughed and hugged each other Best feeling in the world! We did a bunch of pictures of just us. Spending that little bit of time together was needed, I think, to just be there for each other. It is really hard to explain! Next, I did a “first look” with my dad. VERY emotional! I really never considered myself a big daddy’s girl because I just big on spending time outdoors like my daddy is. I was wrong! Seeing my daddy made me cry and cry and then cry some more! We then started the pictures of the wedding party and then lastly did pictures of the families. I have picture frames already set up in the hallway so I place some pictures!
The ceremony went off without a hitch and I don’t remember much honestly. I cannot wait for pictures. We have a video of the whole thing and I need to sit and watch it! I am so glad we got chocolate for the reception- people LOVED it and we had a bunch left over. I still have it in my fridge. I am almost to the point that I don’t like chocolate anymore...but not quite yet.
We left the reception and headed to Watson, Oklahoma to a quiet and peaceful cabin. I had never been up that way and in doing so got a new state marked off my map! We fell in love with the area up there and the scenic drives that there are. We got to go mountain biking and if the weather was warmer, we would have used the canoes. The views were gorgeous!
Back to the daily grind we went on Tuesday the 12th. I had a test and then that Wednesday I had another test. I started my new job at a new store on Friday. My old job let me transfer but I could not move into the position I was in, so a new job in a new store!  I worked Friday, Saturday and went to church Sunday morning with my grandparents. After working Sunday night, I started to feel a little sick but didn’t think anything of it. Monday morning rolled around and yep, I was sick! I spent the whole morning at the doctor’s office to be told I had a double ear infection with a sinus infection. Gross! I was not missing anymore of school, so I went to school on Tuesday, sick as ever. I still have no clue what we did. Wednesday, I felt a little better and managed school just fine. Thursday, I was great until lunch time and I ended up just driving home.
Shane had drill this past weekend and left Thursday night. Friday night I get a call and he starts telling me how he rolled/sprained his ankle and it was starting to swell. Saturday morning, he went to the ER on base and they put him in a boot. Yippee right? His parents and I drove down to Houston on Sunday to pick him up seeing as he could not drive back. Now that brings us to Monday and today of this Thanksgiving day week. He is staying off of his ankle as much as possible while I get homework, cleaning and organizing done! I need to go grocery shopping for Thanksgiving but it is icy and COLD outside- time to snuggle under the blankets if you ask me!

I don’t have my pictures yet from the photographer but I know that they will be epic!!!  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This is IT!

This is the WEEK!!!!

Officially we are down to 3 days, 19 hours and 13 minutes until the ceremony starts. My parents, grandmother, sisters, brother and best friend are all coming into town tomorrow. Shane’s brother and sister fly into town Thursday and then the rest of the wedding party comes in Friday night. Let the craziness begin!
I have managed so far to still work and go to school this week. I am only missing Thursday and Monday in school and taking off 4 days from work before transferring to another store closer to Shane’s.
I’ve moved the majority of my stuff into Shane’s and only have a little bit to do after the wedding. Needless to say, November and December will be filled with organizing our stuff and settling into a semi routine before clinical rotations start in and I turn into a zombie med tech.

Woo woo!!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Heart to Heart with momma

I had a great heart to heart with my mom today- that has been a long time coming, honestly. I miss my mom and spending time with her!

One of the things we talked about was my brother, Jon David.
Dressed up as "Prince Charming" for Brook's 5th birthday- July 2009

. Jon David came to us as a foster child in May of 2005 when he was 2 ½. He was one of the first children that my parents had after switching to “straight DHR” from the agency.  Life was rough for him before he got to us, genetically speaking and just in general. Pretty soon, we realized that there was more going on in his head than a typical 2 year old. Jon David was diagnosed with ADHD/OCD, then a so-so diagnosis of Bipolar, and finally a diagnosis of PANDAS. Let’s add a sprinkle of trust, bonding and anxiety issues in a preschooler and hope he comes out okay!
Jon David's Last Christmas with us :(

Fast forward to December 2009- Jon David moved out to live with a family member.

Sept 2010- Jon was placed back into care.

Dec 25, 2010- Jon was able to spend Christmas with us and that was the last time we were able to see him.

Feb 2013- My mom sent me a text that said “new kid- Jon”. I was at Shane’s that Friday night, getting ready to meet my grandparents so we could celebrate Valentine’s Day. My first thought was “this is my Jon David.” I just knew. I called my mom and all I heard was “It is Jon David” before I lost it and started crying. My mother had received a phone call from a lady and asked if we would like to see him and be involved in his life again. Mom didn’t have a lot of details right off the bat and I pestered the crap out of my mom until the lady called back. My parents got to see him the following weekend and just getting that quick picture through a text made my day!

March 2013- I had to go home for spring break to see him. Yes, I was excited to see my other siblings but this was someone I had not seen in almost 3 years!
My booger! 

Nov 2013- My wedding is coming up and Jon David won’t be able to be there. It is something I did not even think about when I started planning the wedding. Now that it is closer, I realize that he won’t be able to come. I struggled with how to incorporate him into the wedding. Most things that I saw were for people who passed away. So we just added his name to the bottom of the program under a special section entitled “People who we really wish were there but can’t be”.

I’ll miss my booger on my special day- really really miss him! 

Jon David's 1st trip to Catfish place!!

My FAVORITE picture of us at a game! 

Best friends! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Randomness at 4:40 in the morning

As I'm sitting here in the parking lot waiting on work to start, I realize that we have less than 4 weeks to go. It kind of snuck up on us. We both have apps on our phones for a countdown and we look at them daily. I cannot believe that  it has been almost a year since Shane proposed. This time last year we were just getting back from visiting my parents and watching my sister perform in a half time show. Looking back it seems that it went by so quickly but it was just a day by day counting down that made it go by so fast. Shane and I have always done countdown to everything . We countdown to him leaving for training, we countdown to him coming home from training, we countdown to our birthdays. I know this post is completely random and thoughts are just everywhere but it's also 440 in the morning and I'm tired from this week of school.  I guess it goes without saying that we're both excited for the wedding. We talked a bunch lately about how the focus in America is always on the wedding itself and not the marriage. When we get married we are making a commitment to ourselves in front of everybody that we're going to stick this out. We were both raised in homes where divorce is not an option and we don't want children to be raised in a home that divorce is an option. We've both seen what divorce can do to our friends- both had friends that have been divorced even at our age. Well off to work for now its going to be a long day!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

30 days left....

Today is 30 days left. I can honestly say I am super excited and still nervous. Wait... what????
I was reading an article the other day (I wish I had saved it now) and it was discussing how our culture is wrapped up with the idea of a marriage as “the wedding day and then the rest of the days”. No one seems to be placing the emphasis on “the rest of the days”. When I read that article, it bothered me. What was I doing stressing over this ONE day? I need to focus on making sure my “rest of the days” are better than that one day. I realize we are going to have ups and downs that is life. I want to use that “one day” as a best day in my marriage and start it out right!  

I am spending the last days as a single woman dreaming about how amazing and awesome my marriage is going to be! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

32 days left

32 days left.I can't believe it is almost here!!!! 
Shane and I have 32 days left until the wedding and things are quickly coming. We were just given a bridal shower (“I do Bar-B-que”) this past weekend by my Aunt Paula and cousins Dana and Debra. They worked super hard and long to make that day special for Shane and me. It was outdoors with tables, shade, and plenty of sunflowers all around. Our family loves to eat and it was evident Saturday with all the yummy food.
We only have a few things left on our “to do list” and now that school is underway fully, it is catching up quick! Here is just a quick list of my typical homework load:
Parasitology- quick quizzes in chapter, quizzes at end of chapter, cheat sheet page (individual page for each parasite), and working on paper
Immunohematology: quizzes at end of chapter, rewrite notes
Clinical Microbiology: reread the chapters and study the charts
Clinical Chemistry: rewrite the chapters and work on chemical structures.

Ekk I know!!!!!

Off to work on more homework